Lately it is recommended to have one centralized system that keeps, maintains and updates all the activities related to your school of reputation.
The centralized system provides you simplified access to complex business processes for taking decisions on planning, implementation and review of school activities.

eBilling is a paperless solution for organisations to
facilitate the efficient collection of bill payments issued to
customers. This will increase billing efficiency and
reconciliation,and improve customer service.
Our eBill
(electronic bill) is an electronic version of a paper bill that
you can view online. Implemented in our various solutions for
Government projects, it gathers all the relevant contributing
data from respective sub-systems of our solution and prepares
an Invoice which is shared with client as eBill.
iCARD Helper
I-Card Helper, helps to record and print students and employee ID cards with photo and barcodes, and visitors pass with photo & barcode.

OPAC, an Online Public Access Catalogue is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. The product helps locate books and other materials located physically in the library premises.
OPAC works on both Intranet and Internet.

Vision, an admin software application for your school has modules that are tightly integrated for seamless data travel and thus easy to use. The product has student module, fees module, examination module, finance & accounts, and payroll modules.
V-Lib, a Library Management Application helps automate all library functions and keep a good track of books and periodicals movement.

Construction ERP

The real estate sector fortunes are tied to the growth of economies. Being in a highly capital-intensive industry, you face several challenges in diverse areas of your business: in project planning and execution, project costing, collaborating with preferred suppliers/ sub-contractors, visibility on cash flow, pricing and regulatory compliance. You need to manage project planning, site selection, construction, budget planning, regulatory approvals, and every other aspect of your business smartly.
Construction ERP offers:
Practical solution for everyday problem
Comprehensive decision support systems
Automatic critical alert system
Seamless flow of information
Guaranteed ROI
Dynamic Business Intelligence Reports
Empowered Management
Real-time integration with project sites